Xiaomi Mi Band 4 - Questions & Answers | FAQ

Written by Lucas B | last updated on 20.06.2019 | 3 comments |
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Xiaomi Mi Band 4 - Questions & Answers | FAQ Xiaomi Mi Band 4 and all important answers to the important questions. GPS, waterproof, compatibility. The FAQ gives you clarity.

Xiaomi Mi Band 4 FAQ - Questions & Answers

Stop with questions like "Can the Mi Band 4 ... ?" "Does the Mi Band 4 have... ?" - Here simple and clear the questions and answers around the Mi Band 4 of Xiaomi.

Does the Mi Band 4 have GPS?

The Mi Band 4 has no built-in GPS. There is the possibility to use connected GPS. You have to connect the fitness tracker to your smartphone. The Fitness Tracker then uses the GPS from your smartphone to track your routes.

This is also known from other manufacturers like Fitbit or Garmin. Especially the small fitness trackers have rarely installed GPS. Exceptions are the Garmin vivosport* and Samsung Gear Fit 2 Pro*.

Is the Mi Band 4 waterproof?

Yes, the Mi Band 4 is waterproof. The Fitness Tracker from Xiaomi is rated 5 ATM. The device is waterproof up to 50 meters. The time is not limited by this classification. This makes the Fitness Tracker of the fourth generation also suitable for swimming.

The Mi Band 4 is even suitable for use in swimming lanes. The tracking of swimming has been optimized with the Mi Band 4 from the manufacturer.

Does the Mi Band have 4 NFC?

Yes, the Mi Band 4 has a built-in NFC chip. However, this does not apply to all variants. There are three variants of the Mi Band 4:
  • Mi Band 4 Chinese Version - with NFC
  • Mi Band 4 Chinese Version - without NFC
  • Mi Band 4 Global Version - without NFC

The Mi Band 4 version relevant for Germany, Europe and the USA does not have a built-in NFC. However, it makes no sense to buy a Chinese version of the Mi Band 4. Contactless payment and access control are not possible with the Mi Band 4 outside of China.

Do the bands from Mi Band 3 fit on Mi Band 4?

Yes, the armbands of the two Fitness Trackers are identical and therefore compatible. That's why you'll also find a lot of offers that offer bracelets for the Mi Band 3 and 4 in one.

What are the differences between Mi Band 3 and Mi Band 4?

The answer to the question about the differences is a bit more complex. There is a separate article for the answer: Xiaomi Mi Band 4 and 3 in comparison.

When will Mi Band 4 be released?

The Mi Band 4 has already been released by Xiaomi. The cheap Fitness Tracker has been on the market since June 11, 2019.

Where to buy the Mi Band 4?

The Mi Band 4 is available at Amazon and aliexpress. The more comfortable way is of course via Amazon. The order via aliexpress is also possible with shipping to other countries. So you can also buy from Germany, Europe or the USA.

Mi Band 4 Chinese vs Global Version - Where are the differences?

One of the most common questions in Mi Band 4 is about the different versions of the Fitness Tracker. There are three different versions. Two Chinese and one Global version:
  • Mi Band 4 Chinese Version - Build in NFC
  • Mi Band 4 Chinese Version - No NFC
  • Mi Band 4 Global Version - Always without NFC

In fact, the primary difference lies in the NFC. Only the Chinese version with NFC supports NFC. Outside of China the version with NFC is also useless. Payment and access control only work within China.

There is another difference between the versions. The Chinese version has a microphone built in. Also this is only usable in China, because the Mi Band 4 only understands Chinese.

In summary it makes no sense to buy the Chinese version of the Mi Band 4. It has more functions, but these are only usable in China. The normal functions will also work outside of China. I still advise you to buy the global Mi Band 4 version* if you don't live in China.

Unanswered question?

Of course the list is not complete. Of course I am very happy about additions and suggestions. Just leave me a comment below this article and I will expand the list.
Tags: MiBand, MiBand4, MiBandFAQ, faq The article is written by and published on . The last update was on .
Geschrieben von Lucas B
Lucas ist einer der Betreiber und Entwickler von buffcoach. Obwohl er im Bereich der IT tätig ist, nehmen Sport und Ernährung einen sehr großen Anteil seines Lebens ein. Er trainiert im Bereich des Kraftsports nach Grundlagen von Crosstraining. Sein Ziel ist es stark und fit zu sein. Eine gesunde Ernährung ist damit eng verbunden. Sein Wissen teilt er auf buffcoach.net im Magazin und Forum.
Kommentare, Meinungen & Ergänzungen
Gast (Haim Zaid)
13.08.2019 07:05
Profiltyp: Gast
Illuminated screen
Is it possible to maintain a fixed time display
Assuming that the use time is shortened
No need to place a finger on the circle??
Gast (encraste)
11.09.2019 12:45
Profiltyp: Gast

I ordred a Mi Band 4 and the Retail company brought me a Mi Band 4 Chinese without NFC version ! What is the main diffrecne between the global & the Chinese without NFC version?!
I looked up in the net I found that the global version has an Internationally Certified "CE"
Does the Chinese version affects the health of user?!

Best regards.
11.09.2019 14:23
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Hi encraste,

I don't think it will be dangerous. The CE coasts money and the devices must be checked. I think this is the problem. In technique you should not have any differences. Only thing could be the language - But it should be possible to use the chinese band in english as well.
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