Hyperice Hypervolt vs TheraGun G3 - Which is better?

Written by Lucas B | published on 19.11.2019 | no comments |
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Hyperice Hypervolt vs TheraGun G3 - Which is better? TheraGun and Hyperice Hypervolt are the best-known and best-selling massageguns on the market. Which of the two models is better? Hypervolt or Theragun. Where are the differences?

Comparison table

Model Hyperice Hypervolt* TheraGun G3* TheraGun G3PRO*
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Levels Levels 3 Levels 2 Levels 2
Strokes per second Strokes per second 34/44/54 Strokes per second 40/29 Strokes per second 40/29
Battery life Battery life 180 minutes Battery life 60 minutes Battery life 75 minutes
Battery, exchangeable Battery, exchangeable Yes Battery, exchangeable No Battery, exchangeable Yes
Batteries included Batteries included 1 Batteries included 1 Batteries included 2
Attachments, amount Attachments, amount 5 Attachments, amount 4 Attachments, amount 6
Attachments Attachments
  • Standard ball
  • Damper
  • Thumb
  • Fork
  • Plate
  • Standard ball
  • Dumper
  • Thumb
  • Cone
  • Standard ball
  • Damper
  • Thumb
  • Cone
  • Wedge
  • Big Ball
Adjustable arm Adjustable arm No Adjustable arm No Adjustable arm Yes
Bag included Bag included No Bag included Yes Bag included Yes
Weight Weight 1,3 kg Weight 1,2 kg Weight 1,4 kg
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Unterschiede TheraGun und Hyperice Hypervolt

Both massageguns are available in different versions. With TheraGun there are three of them: G3PRO, G3, liv. Hyperice offers the Hypervolt and Hypervolt Pro.

Comparable are the Hyperice Hypervolt, TheraGun G3 and TheraGun G3PRO. (Differences TheraGun models in comparison).

Handling and Design

Of course, the different shape of the massageguns is noticeable at first glance. Hypervolt really looks like a pistol. The device also looks a bit bulkier.

The TheraGun makes a very ergodynmic figure. That is also wanted. Due to the construction of the TheraGun you have more possibilities to touch the massagegun and are therefore freer in your movement. This is true for all TheraGun models, as they have the same shape. As a bonus the G3PRO offers an adjustable arm.

Hypervolt is a bit more limited by the locomotive. In my opinion and experience this is no problem. I could also do everything I wanted with the design of the Hypervolt.

Levels and speeds

At the steps the Hyperice Hypervolt is slightly in front with 3 levels. TheraGun G3 and G3PRO each have 2 levels. The TheraGun can give 29 and 40 strokes per second. Hypervolt can give up to 3,200 strokes per minute. This corresponds to 54 strokes per second. This makes the Hypervolt slightly stronger.


Both TheraGun and Hypervolt allow you to exchange the attachments. Further attachments can also be purchased separately. However, this does not apply to the TheraGun liv, the smallest model.
TheraGun and Hypervolt attachments
Standard ball Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dampers Yes Yes Yes Yes
Thumb Yes Yes No Yes
Cones Yes Yes No No
Wedge Yes No No No
Big ball Yes No No No
Fork No No No Yes
Plate No No No Yes

The attachments of the TheraGun are not compatible with the Hypervolt. Only the G3PRO and G3 attachments are compatible with each other.

In my opinion, the Hypervolt is a bit ahead due to different versions. Even if the G3PRO offers one more attachment. Especially the fork lifts off the Hypervolt. For the TheraGun this is not available. Also not for purchase. The selection of the G3PRO attachments represents the complete range of TheraGun.

Battery life

The Hypervolt clearly beats the TheraGun G3PRO and G3 in battery life. With Hypervolt you have a battery life of up to 3 hours per battery. You can also change the battery.

With TheraGun only the G3PRO has an exchangeable battery. The battery life is up to 75 minutes per battery. The TheraGun G3 has a fixed battery with a running time of up to u 60 minutes.

The TheraGun G3PRO is even delivered directly with two batteries. This is not the case with the Hypervolt. However, the battery can be bought.

Which massagegun is better?

In my opinion, the Hyperice Hypervolt* is superior to the TheraGun G3* and also to the TheraGun G3PRO*. The Hypervolt is cheaper and has some advantages.

Advantages of the Hypervolt:
  • Better battery life of up to 3 hours
  • Exchangeable battery (only G3PRO with TheraGun)
  • More individual attachments (especially the fork)

Compared to the TheraGun, the Hypervolt has a less aerodynamic shape. The G3PRO has an adjustable arm as a bonus. From my point of view this is not really relevant. For the very professional use this might be interesting.

I therefore recommend the Hyperice Hypervolt* in terms of value for money.
buy Hyperice Hypervolt
buy TheraGun G3
buy TheraGun G3PRO
Tags: ProduktvergleichVS, Massagepistole, TheraGun, Hypervolt The article is written by and published on .
Geschrieben von Lucas B
Lucas ist einer der Betreiber und Entwickler von buffcoach. Obwohl er im Bereich der IT tätig ist, nehmen Sport und Ernährung einen sehr großen Anteil seines Lebens ein. Er trainiert im Bereich des Kraftsports nach Grundlagen von Crosstraining. Sein Ziel ist es stark und fit zu sein. Eine gesunde Ernährung ist damit eng verbunden. Sein Wissen teilt er auf buffcoach.net im Magazin und Forum.
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