Jabra Elite 75t vs Elite Active 75t - What are the differences?

Written by Lucas B | published on 29.02.2020 | no comments |
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Jabra Elite 75t vs Elite Active 75t - What are the differences? In addition to the Jabra Elite 75t there is also the somewhat more expensive Jabra Elite Active 75t. This raises the question of the differences and which headphones are better for you.

Comparison table

Model Jabra Elite 75t* Jabra Elite Active 75t*
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IP classification IP classification IP55 IP classification IP57
Battery life Battery life 7,5 hours Battery life 7,5 hours
Battery life with case Battery life with case 28,0 hours Battery life with case 28,0 hours
Fast-Charge 15 Min Fast-Charge 15 Min 1,0 hours Fast-Charge 15 Min 1,0 hours
Microphone Microphone Yes Microphone Yes
Microphone, amount Microphone, amount 4 Microphone, amount 4
Active Noise Cancelling Active Noise Cancelling Not every design Active Noise Cancelling No
Weight Weight 11,00 g Weight 11,00 g
Bluetooth Bluetooth 5.0 Bluetooth 5
Magnetic case Magnetic case Yes Magnetic case Yes
Different essays Different essays Yes Different essays Yes
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buy Jabra Elite 75t
buy Jabra Elite Active 75t

Jabra Elite 75t and Elite Active 75t in comparison

There were already two versions of the predecessor model. The Jabra Elite 65t and Jabra Elite Active 65t. The differences can be found in the comparison between the Jabra Elite 65t and Jabra Elite 75t.

The headphones are almost identical. There are no differences in size, weight or battery life. The small difference is the IP protection factor.
  • Jabra Elite Active 75t: IP57
  • Jabra Elite 75t: IP55

This means that the Active version is able to cope with stronger water jets. The Jabra Elite 75t can only withstand weak water steel.

In the table you can find an overview of the IP certifications with meaning and the headphones from Jabra.
The Jabra Elite 25e, 45e and 65e are not True-Wireless headphones. On these models the earpieces are still connected with a cable. Otherwise, these are also wireless.

Really Reletanve are the Elite 65t, Elite Active 65t, Elite 75t, Elite Active 65t and Elite Sport.
Was bedeutet IP bei Jabra?
IP-Zertifizierung Staubschutz Wasserschutz Jabra Kopfhörer
IP54 dustproof Splash water Jabra Elite 25e*
Jabra Elite 45e*
Jabra Elite 65e*
IP55 dustproof Low pressure water jet Jabra Elite 65t*
Jabra Elite 75t*
IP56 dustproof Water jet with strong pressure Jabra Elite Active 65t*
Jabra Elite Active 75t*
IP67 absolutely dustproof Strong water jets with high pressure Jabra Elite Sport*
Jabra Elite Active 45e*

Which Jabra Elite 75t are better for you?

What does this mean for your purchase? Both the Jabra Elite 75t and the Jabra Elite Active 75t are not suitable for swimming. However, the Active version is a little more robust against water.

For most people, the Jabra Elite 75t* will be sufficient. The Jabra Elite Active 75t* are advertised by the manufacturer for your use in sports. The background here is sweating. In my opinion, the cheaper Jabra Elite 75t are also sufficient.

The even bigger model from Jabra are the Jabra Elite Sport*. Here you have a higher IP certification. This leaks at IP67. You can find more information in the table above. However, these are also not suitable for swimming.
buy Jabra Elite 75t
buy Jabra Elite Active 75t
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Geschrieben von Lucas B
Lucas ist einer der Betreiber und Entwickler von buffcoach. Obwohl er im Bereich der IT tätig ist, nehmen Sport und Ernährung einen sehr großen Anteil seines Lebens ein. Er trainiert im Bereich des Kraftsports nach Grundlagen von Crosstraining. Sein Ziel ist es stark und fit zu sein. Eine gesunde Ernährung ist damit eng verbunden. Sein Wissen teilt er auf buffcoach.net im Magazin und Forum.
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