Fitbit Sense vs Sense 2 - What are the differences?

Written by Lucas B | published on 26.08.2022 | no comments |
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Fitbit Sense vs Sense 2 - What are the differences? Two years after the Ftibit Sense comes the successor: The Fitbit Sense 2. In the comparison of the two fitness watches, a few differences can be seen. Let's see if you should go for the Fitbit Sense or Fitbit Sense 2.

Comparison table

price-tip recommendation
Model Fitbit Sense* Fitbit Sense 2*
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Touchdisplay Touchdisplay Yes Touchdisplay Yes
Color display Color display Yes Color display Yes
Trainingsmodi Trainingsmodi 20 Trainingsmodi 40
Google Maps Google Maps No Google Maps Yes
Google Wallet Google Wallet No Google Wallet Yes
Battery (up to) Battery (up to) 6 days Battery (up to) 6 days
Build in GPS Build in GPS Yes Build in GPS Yes
Build in NFC Build in NFC Yes Build in NFC Yes
Speakers Speakers Yes Speakers Yes
Waterproof / Swimproof Waterproof / Swimproof 50 Meter Waterproof / Swimproof 50 Meter
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Comparison between Fitbit Sense and Fitbit Sense 2

Let's go a little deeper into the comparison and the differences in detail.

Optics: The physical button

Visually, there is little difference between the Fitbit Sense and Fitbit Sense 2. Both smartwatches still come with a qudratic design, which is characterized by rounded edges. Same as it is the case with the Fitbit Versa. Overall, however, the Fitbit Sense 2 is thinner and also lighter geworden.

In comparison, however, a physical button for operation can only be seen in the Fitbit Sense 2, the successor to the Fitbit Sense. Incidentally, this difference is also in the comparison of the Fitbit Versa 3 and Versa 4.

The Bedinung with the older Fitbit Sense and the Versa 3 worked via a kind of touch button. Here there were probably various difficulties, which are to be ironed out with the Fitbit Sense of the second generation.

By the way, the bracelets of the Fitbit Sense are compatible with those of the Fitbit Sense 2. You can even use the wristbands of the Fitbit Versa 3 and Versa 4.

Google Maps and Google Wallet

Fitbit has been acquired by Google. Nevertheless, the Fitbit Sense 2 still has the Fitbit OS installed, instead of Google's Wear OS. The operating system is characterized by the fact that it is optimized for the operation of a fitness watch. The advantage is the relatively long battery life. This is both the Fitbit Sense, as well as the successor, the Fitbit Sense 2, up to 6 days.

The user interface has been revised in the newer Fitbit Sense 2, however, and is thus designed to be more practical.

In addition, the Fitbit Sense 2 allows the use of Google Maps. In my opinion, really extremely practical. So you can be navigated dirkt over the wrist.

In addition, Google Wallet will be available with the Fitbit Sense 2. With the Fitbit Sense, Fitbit Pay is used to enable contactless payment directly via smartwatch. Advantage with Google Wallet is that more banks are unterstüzt and with most Google users anyway in the use is.
buy Fitbit Sense
buy Fitbit Sense 2

EKG Sensor: Optimization

The big difference ziwschen the Fitbit Versa 4 and Fitbit Sense 2 is the ECG sensor. However, this was also already available on the Fitbit Sense.

With the successor, however, this was optmiert and should provide even better results. Among other things, the position of the sensors was changed here. So the Fitbit Sense 2 overfolds your heart rhythm on signs of atrial fibrillation and protects so against cardiac arrhythmias.

By the way, it is interesting that Fitbit now provides the ECG function without Fitbit Premium. This was not the case at the beginning and a very big point of criticism.

Voice assistant

Interesting in the comparison of voice assistants is that Google Assistant is no longer available on the Fibit Sense 2. Alexa from Amazon, on the other hand, is wohol available on the Fitbit Sense, as well as the Fitbit Sense 2. Especially considering that Fitbit was acquired by Google, this is an exciting development. However, in my opinion, Google's voice assistant is also much less represented.

Training Modes

Compared to the Fitbit Sense, Fitbit Sense 2 offers you 20 more training modes, making a total of 40 training modes available on the new Smartwach. Among them are modes like HiiT, weightlifting and cross-training. These are options that users have wanted for years.

Fitbit Sense or Fitbit Sense 2: Which is better?

In comparison, the Fitbit Sense 2* is better overall. You get an optimized ECG sensor, a sleeker design, as well as a few new features:
  • Google Wallet
  • Google Maps
  • 40, instead of 20 training modes

Especially Google Maps is a very handy feature and also the improved ECG sensor speak for themselves. Furthermore, however, the Fitbit Sense is also a good choice. If you can do without the new features, you can save enormously with the buy the Fitbit Sense* by the launch of the Fitbit Sense 2.

Don't need an ECG sensor, then you should definitely take a look at the Fitbit Versa 3 or Versa 4. The difference between the Fitbit Versa 4 and Sense 2is only in the ECG sensor.
buy Fitbit Sense
buy Fitbit Sense 2
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Geschrieben von Lucas B
Lucas ist einer der Betreiber und Entwickler von buffcoach. Obwohl er im Bereich der IT tätig ist, nehmen Sport und Ernährung einen sehr großen Anteil seines Lebens ein. Er trainiert im Bereich des Kraftsports nach Grundlagen von Crosstraining. Sein Ziel ist es stark und fit zu sein. Eine gesunde Ernährung ist damit eng verbunden. Sein Wissen teilt er auf im Magazin und Forum.
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