Weight plate colors - Official Olympic color codes

Written by Lucas B | published on 21.04.2019 | no comments |
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Weight plate colors - Official Olympic color codes Weightlifting is Olympic and therefore there are of course rules and standards for the equipment. This also applies to barbells and weight plates. Even in some gyms coloured weight plates are used. Even if it is often not about Olympic weightlifting, the rules of the colours are adhered to there.

Standards for weight plates

Let's make it short and sweet. In the table you will find the weight with the assignment to the respective colour.

Color codes

Let's make it short and sweet. In the table you will find the weight with the assignment to the respective colour.
colors of the olympic weight plates
Color Weight (big) Weight (small)
red 25 kg / 55.1 lbs 2,5 kg / 5.5 lbs
blue 20 kg / 45 lbs 2,0 kg / 4.4 lbs
yellow 15 kg / 33 lbs 1,5 kg / 3.3 lbs
green 10 kg / 22 lbs 1,0 kg / 2.2 lbs
white 5 kg / 11 lbs 0,5 kg / 1.1 lbs
Source: Wikipedia

Especially the colors red, blue and yellow are often found in the color norm. In my studio there are even 50 kilogram weight plates, which are also green. However, these are already damn old. Red and blue also correspond to the norm in my studio.

All other weight plates are unfortunately black, as is often the case. Especially weight plates under 20 kilograms are often worked without color.


In most gyms the diameters of the weight plates vary. According to the standard, however, there is a uniform and given size. This is 45 cm in diameter.

This also has advantages during the exercise. By the same size of the weight plates you can train much cleaner and more comfortable. This is especially the case when lifting barbells from the ground. Of course, this also applies to Olympic weightlifting exercises.

In most functional gyms, the size of the discs is uniform from 5 kilograms. This is especially the case with crosstraining, as many elements from Olympic weightlifting are built in.

Permitted deviations

When it comes to competitions, there is also a standard for deviations. All weight plates up to and including 5 kilograms must not weigh more than 10 grams. The weight must not be lighter here.

For all heavier weight plates, i.e. from 10 kilograms, the weight may be a maximum of 0.05% lighter and 0.1% heavier.

Of course, this only applies to the Olympic plates and is not a law. The standard is not automatically met if you buy coloured weight plates. You should always pay attention to Olympic standards if this is important to you.
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Geschrieben von Lucas B
Lucas ist einer der Betreiber und Entwickler von buffcoach. Obwohl er im Bereich der IT tätig ist, nehmen Sport und Ernährung einen sehr großen Anteil seines Lebens ein. Er trainiert im Bereich des Kraftsports nach Grundlagen von Crosstraining. Sein Ziel ist es stark und fit zu sein. Eine gesunde Ernährung ist damit eng verbunden. Sein Wissen teilt er auf buffcoach.net im Magazin und Forum.
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